Kiosk: How Can a Meadow Protect a Pond
Kiosk: How Can a Meadow Protect a Pond
Short Description
An outdoor interactive kiosk about how meadows protect ponds.
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Kiosk tilts up and down. Inside are several marbles of various colors representing different forms of pollution. When you tilt the panel up, the exhibit resets. When you let it down, the marbles will drop down. On the left side is shown a parking lot. On the right side is shown a meadow. The exhibit compares how the flat smooth surface of the parking lot allows pollution to run into the pond, while the meadow acts to filter out the pollutants.
Brief Description
Parking lots are smooth and allow the water to flow into the pond without slowing it down. This allows any pollutants from the cars and parking lot to flow into the pond without being stopped. However, the meadow acts as a filter, catching those pollutants and preventing them from reaching the pond.
In Depth Description
Parking lots are smooth and allow the water to flow into the pond without slowing it down. This allows any pollutants from the cars and parking lot to flow into the pond without being stopped. However, the meadow acts as a filter, catching those pollutants and preventing them from reaching the pond.
The different marbles used represent different forms of pollution, including:
Road salt, animal droppings, and litter washed off roads.
Copper and zinc that rub off car breaks and tires.
Motor oil, gasoline and antifreeze that leak from cars and are dumped by do-it-yourself mechanics
Fertilizers and pesticides that seep from lawns, golf courses and sports fields.
Pollution carried by rain and melting snow ("storm water runoff") is a leading source of pollution for lakes, rivers and ponds in the United States. This "non-point pollution" doesn't come from a single pipe or smoke stack.
Warm pavement heats rain, causing THERMAL POLLUTION, changing the temperature of nearby ponds and streams. Non-point pollution is hard to clean up. Can you think of ways to prevent it rom happening in the first place?
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You are near an outdoor interactive kiosk about how meadows protect ponds. For more information, look in the gallery for "How can a meadow protect a pond?"
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