Mountain Lions
Mountain Lions
Short Description
The heart of Wild Cat Station is a dramatic experience of mountain lions.
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Brief Description
Our Mountain Lion habitat houses two mountain lions that were orphaned. Deemed non-releasable, they are here as ambassador animals. If they are not up front of the exhibit, they can usually be found crouched high up in the rocks at the back and left sides of their habitat.
In Depth Description
At the heart of Wild Cat Station, presented by The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, is a dramatic and intimate experience of a set of mountain lions in their natural New England habitat. Utilizing and transforming the former polar bear habitat, the sibling cats are home in their re-created mountainous terrain while visible from multiple viewing angles by our visitors.
The brother and sister kittens were found emaciated and orphaned in Half Moon Bay, California and brought to Oakland Zoo for vet care. The EcoTarium worked with the zoo through Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife for safe transport of the cats.
The habitat is one of the largest mountain lion exhibits in the U.S. at 18,500 square feet and meets all accreditation standards and USDA requirements to house large carnivores. It is comprised of grass, trees, logs and rocky alcoves and outcroppings that allow the cats to utilize their natural abilities of climbing, scratching and jumping in the exhibit. The habitat was designed with all four seasons in mind and includes a conditioned space to house the cats inside at night and during inclement weather events. EcoTarium keepers have multiple access points and a training staging area. In the near future, museum guests will have the ability to observe training sessions with the mountain lions. Wild Cat Station completes the final project in Phase II of the museum’s Third Century Plan.
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